Monday, December 4, 2006

Coincidence? I think not.

A friend of mine, the Ver, said that Broccoli is the broom that sweeps the body clean. I'm sure she's right. And I'm sure all the scientific evidence that Broccoli is a fantastic antioxidant and has anti-cancer properties is right, too. But, you know, the taste! And the smell!

Turns out that, thanks to Broccoli, I have something in common with George Bush (Snr). The horror. He forbad Broccoli to be cooked in the White House while he was the occupant. And another thing: is it just coincidence that Broccoli includes the majority of the word "ecoli"?

I think not.

But I am trying. Apparently I have higher than normal cholestrol, so Broccoli is a good thing for me. I tried to convince the doctor that it must be genetic, and nothing to do with umpteen years of of smoking, drinking and eating Ulster fry ups for brekky, but I suppose seven years of studying medicine helps you see through such blatant lies.

So on Saturday, at a birthday party at vegetarian friends of mine, I tried some Broccoli. Raw. And you know, it wasn't too bad.

Next time I may even try it without the lashings of mayonnaise.

(Picture courtesy

1 comment:

WRM said...

Hello Broccoli Boy.

You don't know me, but I could share some of my quite nice broccoli recipes. Broccoli doesn't have to be crap tasting you know. Two words: Olive oil and lemon juice. Okay, that was five words.
Goatville Girl aka Willow